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1. Get help finding the right tags

We'll find you new tags and use data to make sure they're better.


In other words, we test your current tags against our suggestions* to see which gets you more traffic. It's completely automated & uses a method called a/b testing. It's free while we're in a limited beta. Sign up on our home page.

*we come up with suggestions by using Etsy auto-complete, google ad-words, similar shops, the good old-fashioned thesaurus, and everything in between ;)

2. Bulk edit your tags

This tool is brand spanking new. We're offering it to you for free while we tweak and add more functionalities.

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read our FAQs


There are two ways Etsy sellers can use Whatify

Anchor 2

FAQs for bulk tag editing



can I undo changes I've made after I save my changes to my store?

There's no 'undo' button, but you can just make the same changes again, in reverse. If you replaced 'gifts' with 'gifts for dad', and you decided that was a bad idea, then go ahead and replace 'gifts for dad' with 'gifts'. 


can I bulk edit blank tabs?

Yes! just leave the first 'find' text box empty, and then enter the tag you'd like to put into blanks in the 'replace' text box. (But we're working to make this more intuitive).


can I filter by shop section?

Yes! Want to be able to filter by something else? Tell us that you'd like to see this.


can you see my personal account information when I authorize my shop?

No - we can't access your password or any kind of bank or credit card information. Read more about why it's safe to authorize your Etsy shop with us here.



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